Sunday, November 18, 2007

Day 5

Ok, so even though the stuffing got me last night, and I almost ate two tacos...I PUSHED THROUGH IT!! I made it and didn't blow it.I am really glad because I honestly almost gave up.There are some questions as to how safe this whole thing is,but I am gonna keep at it until I feel it is unhealthy for me personally.I'm down 3 lbs from yesterday so thats a plus,I know that any weight loss during the detox will most likely come back but I plan on re starting weight watchers once I'm done with this which I know works for me .I have lost over 60 lbs with it.Ok so day 5....bring it on!More later...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

damn stuffing!

Since this is a tell all blog and im trying to be completely honest about my experience..... I guess i have to fess up to the fact that i ate a TINY bit of stuffing that my husband made. I know ,i know, its bad but hey its been 4 days with no food...cut me some slack!


So its still day four and I'm feeling a lil nauseous and Ihave zero energy. I feel really drained and sleepy. I had THE WORST cramps earlier during a bm and it really sucked!I really did want to quit today but its day 4, I mean I have come this far so I know I can do it. I think if I get through the weekend I will be in the clear.I need to keep busy.Im not giving up yet I really wanna make it to 10 days no less!

Day 4 and still kicking!

Well well is the start of day 4 for me and who would have thought? I myself am even surprised that I have made it this far.Yesterday was by far my worst day. The salt water flush sucked! But today I just did the lax tea instead.It does make you cramp but it is not nearly as bad as the salt water. I got on the scale and managed to gain a lb from yesterday..what the heck?! I didn't drink all my lemonade yesterday I left off with two cups left to drink..thats the only thing I can think of as far as a reason why I gained a lb. tomorrows w.i better be brighter or I know the discouragement will set in.6 days left of this and I'm determined to keep it up!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thank heavens

Day 3 is almost over and day 4 shall begin.I had kind of a ruff day today because that stupid salt water had me feeling like I had been hit by a truck.I'm drinking my laxative tea now ....bring on the cramps!! They don't last too long but they are a drag.I'm pretty pumped about being on day 4..this is the longest I have ever gone without food and I just keep thinking of how great it will be to finish day ten and know I made my goal. The temptations to eat are enormous but I am fighting through them.My husband is making cookies as I type this..he always gets the baking bug this time of year,in his defense, he did check with me first(so stop thinking what a jerk he must be..he is a GREAT guy)I am getting pretty tired of the lemonade,i guess variety really is the spice of life.

Day three cont.......

oK I am officially DONE with the salt water flush.For those of you who dont know what im talking about it is a concoction of a quart of luke warm water and two teaspoons of sea salt. not only does it suck trying to get it down, but I feel soo bad afterwards all nauseous and sick and all.And its been 2 hours and I have not stopped feeling this way. And Im not sure if all of my "reductions" are supposed to be in liquid form but they are :(. I don't have a desire to eat anything I just want to stop feeling like crap! I have not dank any lemonade yet today because my stomach has not stopped hurting enough in my opinion. Oh gonna try and drink some water and take a lie down

Day three....

So its the morning of day three.I am NOT HAPPY. I feel like s@#$ today. I took the laxative tea last night before bed and it still has not run its course,my stomach is extra crampy and whenever I do have a movement it is not very much.I am supposed to do a laxative this morning too..but since i feel the one from last night is not done,I think ill hold off on that,hope it doesn't hurt me in a significant way.I did hop on the scale and Im down 2 from yesterday so thats a total of 6 lbs in 2 days!!I can tell today is gonna be much harder than the past two days but,I am determined to make it. More later...