Sunday, November 18, 2007

Day 5

Ok, so even though the stuffing got me last night, and I almost ate two tacos...I PUSHED THROUGH IT!! I made it and didn't blow it.I am really glad because I honestly almost gave up.There are some questions as to how safe this whole thing is,but I am gonna keep at it until I feel it is unhealthy for me personally.I'm down 3 lbs from yesterday so thats a plus,I know that any weight loss during the detox will most likely come back but I plan on re starting weight watchers once I'm done with this which I know works for me .I have lost over 60 lbs with it.Ok so day 5....bring it on!More later...


Amy said...

GO KIA!!! You can do it girl! You're a strong woman. With your determination, you can do anything you set your mind to. I can do ALL THINGS in Christ that strengthens me. YOU GO GIRL!!!!

Trixie said...

Congrats Kia... keep going strong!!