Thursday, November 15, 2007

One down...9 to go!

Ok so yesterday was day one and I made it !!! I really didn't get too hungry but the headaches really did set in.The lemonade taste pretty good,I had to cut down on the pepper because it made it impossible to drink.I even made dinner for my family and managed to not even take a little taste!Today is day two and I'm optimistic.I have to go drink my laxative tea now and then some of the lemonade..keeping busy really helps to get through the day.Wish me two is off to a great start!

1 comment:

Trixie said...

Kia -

Good luck! It's not easy but just keep telling yourself you can do it and I bet you'll make it through. I'll be blogging as I go as well so hopefully we can share in our experiences. I'll make sure I check back often!
